Monday, June 18, 2007


Hey all,

Not too much has happened today. I finally met Venkie (my mentor). He is very friendly and high energy :-). Hopefully I will get what exactly I'm going to be doing sorted out in the next two weeks before he leaves again! The funny thing is that he, like Ran, gave me a couple of reasons why it is good to go to grad school ^_^.

The main reason I'm making this post is to update all y'all on my housing situation. This past Saturday at about 11:30 there was a knock on our door and a guy from work was there to move us! There had been no word of this before so we were all shocked. We got all packed up and then were moved at 3:00PM. We are now in a *very* nice guesthouse about 5 minutes from work (though the internet bill hasn't been paid there, so it doesn't work :-P). We thought that this was going to be a temporary place for a day or two before moving again. However, I have been told that we will be there permanently (though Sanjam was moved out and Tracy moved in within 6 hours of us leaving! He was moved again this past weekend and will be moved again tomorrow, which will put him in his SEVENTH apartment this month :'-(. The housing situation here is a bit weird). I have also been told in the last hour or so that I will be given a roommate :-P, but we will see about that. I'm not really sure what to believe any more. At the very least we are in a very nice place, close to work, and have a non-zero probability of actually having internet when I get home.

Thats all for now folks!


1 comment:

Matt said...

Wow, and here I thought that getting put in an extended-stay hotel by corporate housing was bad. ("Waaah, I can only get 28 Kbps down! Waah!")

Glad it's going okay!