Monday, June 25, 2007

Yummy food and some more pictures

Hey all,

Not too much happened today. Mostly I spent the day at work and made some decent progress on my project. The fun part, of course, was the breaks from work. Around 2:30 I was frustrated and had a headache, so Nels, Rob, Prasad, and myself went to the coffee shop around the corner for a break. I got a lichi frappe, which was basically a milkshake with lichi juice in it. I really like lichi, so this was fantastic. Also, sitting around and chatting was of course fun.

The other cool thing that happened today was dinner with Venkie and Prasad. Venkie got hungry around 6:30, got Prasad to come with him, and asked me if I would like to tag along too. Venkie has tons of energy and gets distracted easily, so we didn't actually leave for a while and instead hung out and chatted in his office while he and Prasad had some Scotch (first time the drinking age has mattered here). We then went to a fairly good Dosa place near the office, and Prasad and Venkie ordered a bunch of food while I basically sat and ate. It was fantastic! Venkie lives in the US and is very much into pop culture, so it was fun hearing him chat about that (and in general it is fun to talk to Venkie because he is really a character and has *tons* on energy). Beyond the fact that the multiple varieties of dosa, the pori, and everything were delicious I also was able to handle hot food more than Venkie or Prasad who are both Indian! We got some dish that they both thought was far to spicy and kinda nasty, while I just ate it and thought it was pretty good ^_^. This proves to me yet again that this "Americans can't handle Indian spicy food is just a bunch of bull" We will see if I get taught a painful lesson before I leave, but so far so good ^_^.

I also got the chance to post some pictures today. The photos from Mysore are here:

And the photos from this past week and from touring Bangalore on Saturday are here:

The pictures from Commerce Road are not going to go up for a while, as they might tip off some people to surprises I am preparing ^_^.

Thats all for now. I hope you enjoy the pictures!



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